中文摘要 |
敘事寫作或說故事也許是日常生活中最常使用的文體,善用此類文體對於學生的表 達很有幫助,也有助於發展其他文體的寫作能力﹝Hsu & Lin, 2016,November〉。本研究的 目的是探討78名大一學生在大一英文課程中自我介紹寫作的初稿、修改稿和口說自我介紹逐字稿的差異表現及反省情形,藉以探究他們是否有所進步。回饋資料顯示,大部分大一學生表示在進行自我介紹活動後會更願意溝通。其言談資料也涵蓋了許氏和林氏的自傳敘事研究中提及的六個成分:姓名、招呼語、高中、未來計畫、與未來計畫相關的興趣以及受眾分析。本研究的結果不僅加深了我們對引人入勝自我介紹的主要成分的意識,也提供教師更有效地讓學生投入寫作和口說活動的資訊。 |
英文摘要 |
Narrative writing/story telling is probably the genre most commonly used in everyday life, and its intelligent use plays an important role in developing student writers' voices, a practice which may be expanded to other genres (Hsu & Lin, 2016, November). The purpose of this study is to examine the basic construction of 78 freshmen's self-introduction task in a written draft, revised draft, and transcription from an oral self-introduction task in a Freshman English course to explore their performance progression and reflection upon these tasks. In the reflection data, the majority of the freshmen expressed themselves to be more willing to communicate after these tasks. The discourse data displayed the extension of six qualities, such as name given, greeting, high school, future plan, interests in future plans and audience analysis, as pointed out in Hsu and Lin's study. The outcomes of this study will not only deepen our awareness of the main qualities of engaging self-introduction, but also provide teachers with information with which they can facilitate their students' willingness to express themselves more effectively than before. |