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Changing College Students’ Stereotypes of Standard English: The Pedagogical Process of an English Course
作者 楊孝慈
英語已經成為國際溝通的混合語,因為各國已發展出屬於他們自己的獨特 英語用法,非母語人數也已大幅超越母語人數,而且非母語人士彼此間的跨文 化交流日益頻繁,這些國際趨勢已使得標準英語的意識形態不再令人信服,本 研究設計一門翻轉傳統英語教學的課程,引導學生探索英語在全世界的實際用 法,跳脫標準英語的單一規範,而能包容英語的變異性與多樣性。此教學研究 主要瞭解學生在學習歷程中如何轉變標準英語的刻板印象。參與對象為77 位 修習「語言與文化」的大學生,就讀於臺灣中部的一所國立大學。此課程以紐 西蘭英語為例,先引導學生探索紐西蘭與自己國家有關聯的歷史、事蹟和故 事,然後認識並推動紐西蘭觀光產業,進而瞭解當地俚語和腔調,並與通用美 式英語作對比分析。學生透過學習檔案製作,彼此分享紐西蘭和美國的語言與 文化異同。最後鼓勵他們參與期末英語教學的志工活動。從學生的學習檔案 中,發現他們修正了原先的刻板印象、一般推論、誤解和歧視,也體悟了紐西 蘭的英語變異現象。對於此教案,86%的學生認為有助於他們與紐西蘭人的互 動交流,特別是高學習成效的學習者以及參與期末教學服務計劃的學生,更覺 得獲益良多。
The use of English as a lingua franca for international communication has made the primacy of Standard English (SE) become ideologically undesirable, not only because distinct varieties of English have evolved with their own standards, but also because nonnative speakers tremendously outnumber native speakers and their interaction has soared in intercultural exchange. Accordingly, a curriculum was devised to guide students to explore worldwide English variations in response to the paradigm shift from SE to a pluralistic model of English language teaching. This pedagogical research aims to examine how students transformed their stereotypes of SE into the understanding of world Englishes. This curriculum was implemented in English with 77 undergraduates enrolled in the ‘Language and Culture’ class at a national university in central Taiwan. With the focus on English spoken in New Zealand (NZ), they began with their impressions followed by their revisions. Then, they were guided to discover stories connecting themselves with the country. They proceeded to promote NZ tourism, understand local slang and accent, and take part in an optional semester-final volunteer teaching workshop. Their learning portfolios indicate that they modified their initial stereotypes, generalizations, misconceptions, and prejudices, becoming aware of the cultural diversity in NZ and linguistic differences between NZE and GAE. Overall, 86% of the students found the given instruction helpful for communication with New Zealanders, particularly so among high achievers and those who participated in the teaching service project.
起訖頁 033-070
關鍵詞 世界英語英語混合語英語腔調紐西蘭ELFEnglish accentsNew Zealandworld Englishes
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201706 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 大學生全球素養指標之建構
該期刊-下一篇 案例撰寫與討論引導架構促進實習教師反省思考層次之研究




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