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A Construction of Global Literacy Indicators for Undergraduates
作者 李隆盛賴春金潘瑛如梁雨樺王玫婷
「全球在地化」和「在地全球化」兼重的時代中,具備全球素養之大學畢 業生方能有效處理涉外或境外的工作。本研究目的在建構適切的大學生全球素 養指標,以做為評量大學生全球素養表現水準之工具及全球教育課程發展之基 礎。本研究從理論架構出發,由相關文獻整理出全球素養之構面內涵及指標項 目,邀集具有國際經驗之18 位實務專家進行模糊德懷術(fuzzy Delphi method,FDM)篩選全球素養指標,並透過階層分析法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP)程序整理問卷結果以辨認權重,建構出「溝通」、「環境」、「職 涯」及「文化」四構面的「大學生全球素養指標」,發現「溝通」構面最重要, 「利用外語溝通」、「利用資通訊科技與他人溝通」則分列二、三層級最重要指 標及項目。
In the era of glocalization and logloblization, only university graduates who are globally literate can effectively deal with international affairs or work overseas. Therefore, this study aimed to construct a set of global literacy indicators for undergraduates in Taiwan. The global literacy indicators can be used as a guide to assess undergraduates’ global literacy level and serve as the foundation for developing global education curriculums. Employing a theoretical framework, this study drafted global literacy dimensions and indicators from reviewing related literature, and invited 18 practitioners with international experience to participate in this study. During the item development process, fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) were applied to select and weight global literacy indicators respectively. Consequently, a set of global literacy indicators for undergraduates were constructed, which include the following four dimensions: communication, context, career development, and culture. “Communication” is the most important dimension among them, while “communicate with foreign languages” and “use information and communication technology (ICT) to communicate with others” are the most important indicators and items at the second and third hierarchical levels, respectively.
起訖頁 001-032
關鍵詞 全球素養階層分析法模糊德懷術階層分析法analytic hierarchy process (AHP)fuzzy Delphi method (FDM)global literacyhigher education
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201706 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 改變大學生對標準英語刻板印象:一門英語課的實踐歷程




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