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A Case Study of Environmental Education Based on Action Approach in Kindergarten
作者 謝妃涵
Early childhood is proved a critical stage to future human and societal development. During the period of time, “microsystem” refers to the compound of three inter-connected environments, such as day care, community, and household; therefore, a wide array of literature has suggested the importance of environmental education at kindergartens. Meanwhile, the research on how community resources could be integrated into the environmental education for young kids is relatively lacking. This study tries to fill the gap through proposing the experimental curriculum program based on action approaches in environmental education for kindergarteners. The purpose of this research is exploring the curriculum structure, and the implementation process and effects of action-approach environmental education at kindergartens through qualitative research methods. The study utilizes community resources as the curriculum materials and demonstrates the curriculum design with rotating disks to include two themes: “where I live” and “junior environmental protector.” The research findings suggest that the curriculum structure of environmental education in kindergartens includes social learning, awareness, and care; inquiry and empowerment; and action. Social learning in curriculum inspires environmental awareness and community bonds of young kids who have been acquainted with geographical and cultural characters of their communities. Inquiry and empowerment in curriculum focus on involving kindergarteners in waste recycling, sorting, and reusing. Action approaches emphasize encouragement of kids5 action on community services and individual environmental behaviors (e.g., minimizing individual wastes).
起訖頁 019-050
關鍵詞 行動取向幼兒園環境教育社區資源action approachenvironmental education in kindergartencommunity resources
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 201703 (11:1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-上一篇 全球化下的臺灣社會工作:邁向真正的專業
該期刊-下一篇 中高齡駕駿者老化態度與駕駛風格關係之研究




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