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Working Experiences with Children Witnessed Domestic Homicide
作者 江建仁馬宗潔
Intimate violence in families has always been an important issue for our society, therefore: children who witness domestic violence gets more attention recently. Amid social change, domestic homicides are on the rise. More and more victims were killed by their spouses/family members in home settings, and their children were involuntary involved in some way. Those children lost their both parents almost the same time, and suffered bereavement and loss. However, those children were likely to be neglected because of more complicated issues brought up in those cases.Two counselors were invited to provide play therapy for those children, and found out children had to suffer more than they could possibly bear. They had to deal with the loss of their parents/families, witness experiences of domestic violence, domestic homicide, involvement in the criminal investigation, and being the only survivor in the tragedy. Any of those issues could bring tremendous trauma for those children, and of course caused the inner turmoil within their hearts. They believed there in no one could understand how they feel, so that they shut their doors and tortured by the feelings of self-blamed and guilt. As a result, we tried to collect our working experiences with those children, and list the inner and outer issues they faced. Moreover, more ideas and thoughts brought up for helping professions in the end of this article. Hopefully, more children suffered in this kind of situation could be helped in some way.
起訖頁 115-144
關鍵詞 目睹家內凶殺家庭暴力喪親children witness violencedomestic homicidedomestic violencebereavemen
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201301 (11期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 淹水對沿海地層下陷區之貧窮家庭的社會影響--以台灣西海岸漁村為例




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