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A Pilot Study of Experiences of Mothers with Premature Infants Attending Voluntary Service
作者 賴惠珍張志豐黃琇櫻
The Premature Baby Foundation assists mothers with premature infant and their families in accordance to their pressure and crisis from the premature delivery and also provides the telephone consultation service to these families. By the provision of these services, the organization encourages those mothers who had been through the experience of premature infant process to participate in the consultation service voluntarily, share their experiences. Those mothers with premature infant and their families therefore obtain emotional support and the encouragement from each other and the related information which can smoothly maintain the family balance.. This service plan is still in the experimental stage and the composition of its members is different from other voluntary groups at Taiwan. Therefore, this research conducted a survey to understand these differences and its implementation.Two subjects in this survey included: 1) What are the motivations that mothers with premature infant are? 2) What are the factors influence those mothers with premature infant participating and continuing the voluntary plan? The qualitative methodology was utilized in this research. The research methods included both the depth interviewing and the focus groups which were intimate with the research material directly. Fifteen mothers with premature infant were interviewed in total. There are the findings in this research., Firstly, the premature delivery event is apt to increase intense on the family. Secondly, mothers with premature infant participating in the experience sharing can help them cope with the pressure and obtain support from society. Thirdly, the motivations of those mothers with premature infant who participate in the service come from their willingness. This approximately is the same as people who join other voluntary groups, but the findings present other different motivations which emphasize on transmitting the spirit of ”human helps oneself”. Finally, the factors impact on these volunteers who could not provide services continually include the intrinsic factors (for example: they did not have enough time) and external factors (for example: the support from their family members, welfare agencies provide trainings and supervisions).This research suggested that the welfare agencies can transform the service receivers to human resources in the voluntary services. The welfare agencies should not only enhance their human resources management, trainings, and supervisions, but also develop the self-support groups for providing services to people in need.
起訖頁 161-190
關鍵詞 早產兒焦點團體志願服務premature babyfocus groupvoluntary service
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 200601 (5期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 身心障礙者家庭暴力與性侵害之研究
該期刊-下一篇 建構特教體系中專業社會工作--以台北縣為例




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