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University students' concepts of good death-a case of one university
作者 陳錫琦江彥錡
本研究旨在瞭解大學生的善終概念。以某大學學生 749 人為研究對象,使用自編問卷為工具 Cronbach's α 值為.97。結果顯示研究對象的善終概念有四十八項,歸類為七個層面。其中「死亡時身心自在」,顯示出趨向死亡時理想與責任能完成,則較能無遺憾與愧疚的離開;「死亡時能實現終極真實」,表示重視死亡時能知道將去哪裡,並有能為大我成仁取義的想法;「死亡時身心完整平安」,顯示不願遭遇意外橫禍而死亡,並認為心中沒有感覺的死亡是一種善終;「依個人意志死亡」,顯示重視死亡的意義與價值,並且具有為理想而死的想法;「死亡時沒有痛苦」,表示認為自然、平安、無痛苦的死亡為善終;「壽終正寢」,顯示趨向能在親友的陪伴與祝福中道別;「無病而終」,顯示趨向希望能健康長壽而終並且死亡時能有尊嚴。最後,提出以善終為核心概念的生命教育或死亡教育課程規劃,以及未來研究之建議。
The aim of this study was to understand the concepts of good death of college students. The subjects were students from freshmen to seniors of a college in Taipei. Class was taken as the unit, and 749 students were taken randomly by cluster sampling. A self-designed good death questionnaire on college students was used as the research tool and its Cronbach's α was .97. The students’ concepts of good death were generalized into 48 items, which were extracted into seven categories. Among the categories, “death with mental and physical ease ” referred to people who die after realizing the dream and carrying out the duty so that they would leave with less regret and guilty. “Death after the realization of true truth” meant that when dying, they knew where to go and how to die for a good cause or justice which better matches good death. “Death without physical harms and with mental peace” meant that good death seems to be their bodies undamaged by accidents and non-perception of death’s approach. “Death out of one’s will” showed that the students considered a death for the dream or a meaningful and valuable death to be good death. “Death without pain” showed that a good death should be out of nature and safety, and no pain. “Natural death” showed that the students hoped they were accompanied by relatives and had their wishes when it was time to say goodbye. “Death without illness” showed that the students hoped to be healthy and long-lived unitil they died. They also hoped to die with dignity. Finally, the study proposed the suggestions for life education or death education based on the good death and some research directions for future studies.
起訖頁 23-47
關鍵詞 善終概念生命教育死亡教育大學生終極真實college studentsdeath educationlife educationthe concepts of good deathultimate reality
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 201206 (33期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
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該期刊-下一篇 國中生綠色消費行為及其相關因素之研究——以雲林縣某國中為例




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