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A study of health concepts and health behaviors for senior grade students of elementary schools in Hualien County
作者 胡益進李明憲 (Ming-Hsien Li)林怡岑殷蘊雯馬藹屏祁安美姚克武
The purpose of this study was to understand: (1) the health concepts and health behaviors among senior grade students of elementary school in Hualien County; (2) the difference of health concepts and health behaviors under different demographic factors; (3) the correlation between health concepts and health behaviors; and (4) the predictive factors of health behaviors. The target populations of this study were all the senior grade students of elementary schools enrolled in school year 2008 of Hualien County. A total of 433 students from 9 elementary schools were sampled by PPS (probability proportionate to size sampling method) and 413 valid questionnaires were collected. The valid reply rate was 95.4%. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. Among four aspects of the health concepts of the senior grade students of elementary schools, the score of the “functional/role performance health conception” was the highest, and the “clinical health conception” was the lowest. 2. Female students got higher scores than male students on “whole health conception”, “functional/role performance health conception” and “eudemonic health conception”. There were no significant differences on any aspects of health concepts in different age, grade, race, parents’ education levels and the source of health information. 3. There was lowest frequency on using substance use behavior. There were lower frequency on drinking milk and eating vegetables but higher frequency on drinking soft drinks, on wearing helmet or protectors while cycling, on undertaking physical and leisure activities. 4. Students, whose parents’ education levels were college or higher, family social-economic level were average or higher, sources of health information were from family or friends or from doctorlnurse, got higher scores in health behavior. 5. The higher scores of the health conception, the higher scores the students got in the health behaviors. Health concepts were significantly positive correlated to health behaviors. 6. By multiple regression, demographic factors and health concepts contributed 14.2% total variance of health behaviors. According to the above findings, this study provides suggestions on developing teaching materials of health education for elementary schools, promoting relative activities on schools, and establishing health data base of adolescent in Taiwan.
起訖頁 91-114
關鍵詞 健康概念健康行為國小高年級health conceptshealth behaviorsenior grade students of elementary school
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 201108 (31期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討新竹市護理人員推荐民眾接種人類乳突病毒疫苗意願的相關因素
該期刊-下一篇 台灣職場健康促進品質及其相關因素之前驅研究




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