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Study on the concepts of good death for junior high students of one school in Taipei County
作者 陳錫琦陳淑香
The main purpose of this study was to understand the concept of good death of junior high school students and probe the variation of the concept of good death of the subjects by their different individual background and environmental experience. The subjects were 609 students sampled from a junior high school (total students 1426) at Taipei County by stratified proportional random sampling method. The instrument was a structured questionnaire developed by researcher. The contents of his questionnaire were divided into three categories according to the design of this study: individual background (5 items), environment experience (6 items), and the concepts of good death (29 items) and its Cronbach's α was .93. There were 6 factors extracted from them by factor analysis, they were psychological good death, physical good death, spiritual good death, social good death, altruistic good death and free good death. The results revealed that the average mean of the subjects’ concepts of good death was 3.63 . Among them psychological good death’s mean was 3.96 being the highest. The concepts of good death of the subjects would have significant difference depending on the diverse of their individual background (such as gender, age, personal religious belief and experience of contacting death) and environmental experience (such as parental religious belief, experience about life or death education, family talking about death, experience about contacting media relating to death and experience about contacting electronic games relating with violence). At last, the researcher brought up a suggestion about life and health education curriculum based on good death as the core concept.
起訖頁 137-158
關鍵詞 國中生善終概念生命教育健康教育the concepts of good death of junior high school studentslife educationhealth education
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 201012 (30期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 桃園市某公立幼稚園學齡前幼童主要照顧者對口腔衛生保健之調查研究




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