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健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Experiences on implementation of healthy community programs
作者 涂慧慈蔡玉霞林琴玲李岑葦鄭學慧呂采芩薛敏生史麗珠
We implemented two healthy community programs in Taoyuan County, one in urban aborigine since 2007, and the other in Fushing Village since 2008. This paper is to report our experiences on implementing these two healthy community programs. Our group included professionals from medical, government, and school. We first collected information of demographic, health, need from the residents who lived in the community. The activities of health promotion were based on the priority of their need, their lifestyle, custom, and culture. After providing the activities, statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the efficacy. We had regular meetings to monitor and record the progress of the study. Intervention activities include: (1) health promotion: healthy diet with actual cooking, exercise, and smoking cessation. (2) case management for certain chronic diseases: hypertension or metabolic syndrome. In regards to quality of measurements, we used a well-established questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability. Consent of the questionnaire use should be obtained from the original designer. Training on how to measure waist circumference is recommended. Calibration on the sphygmomanometer and glucose meter is a must. Because we cannot force the residents in the study area to participate our activities, small sample size and lack of representative are the major limitations of our study. On the ethic issue, we suggest an application of institute of review board (IRB) in advance and consider a feasibility of signing the inform consent. Up to this point, we have written six journal articles, three were published, one was accepted. We hope that more groups who have been working on healthy community report their finding and share their experiences. Finally, non-health issue, community empowerment, community involvement in health (CIH), and sustainability of healthy community are the point we all aim at
起訖頁 117-132
關鍵詞 社區健康營造原住民健康促進healthy communityhealth promotionaborigines
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 200912 (29期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 台北市某國中學生氣喘疾病狀況、家庭環境狀況與參加衛生教育意願之研究




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