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Influencing Academic Library Use in Tanzania: A Multiple Regression Analysis
作者 Leocardia L Juventus (Leocardia L Juventus)Kafigi Jeje (Kafigi Jeje)
本研究採問卷調查法調查坦尚尼亞兩所大學:Muhimbili University of Health and AlliedSciences(MUHAS)與Hubert Kairuki Memorial University(HKMU),共158名大學生之學術圖書館使用經驗;透過多元迴歸分析,了解影響大學生使用圖書館之因素與其圖書館使用程度之關聯。研究結果發現,坦尚尼亞學術圖書館使用者因以下需求使用圖書館:搜尋與近用線上資源、檢視新書或其他資源、借閱圖書或其他資源、享受便利的研究環境。但免費的無線網路或圖書館諮詢服務,則非影響其使用圖書館之因素。研究者認為,學術圖書館應策劃並執行相關計畫,以便讓學術圖書館成為更優質的學習環境;同時,在像坦尚尼亞此類發展中國家,學術圖書館更應成為促進社經發展的平台。研究者並建議,為提升學術圖書館達成上述目標,相關之現代化基礎建設投資有其必要性。
Library use is influenced by many factors. This study uses a multiple regression analysis to ascertain the connection between the level of library use and a few of these factors based on the questionnaire responses from 158 undergraduate students who use academic libraries in two Tanzania's universities: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), and Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU). It has been discovered that users of academic libraries in Tanzania are influenced by the need to: search and access online materials, check for new books or other resources, check out books and other materials, and enjoy a friendly environment for study. However, their library use is not influenced by either the free wireless network, or consultation from librarians. It is argued that, academic libraries need to devise and implement plans that can make these libraries better learning environment and platforms to drive socio-economic development particularly in developing nations such as Tanzania. It is further argued that, this can be enhanced through investment in modern academic library infrastructures.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 圖書館使用者圖書館使用多元迴歸分析坦尚尼亞學術圖書館Library UsersLibrary UseMultiple Regression AnalysisTanzaniaAcademic Libraries
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201612 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-下一篇 電影的情緒療癒效用研究--以失戀之大學生為例




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