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An Exploratory Research on the Strength of the Cultural and Creative Industries in Tainan City
作者 吳連賞
Urban cultural economy has become a new driving force to shape the city image and promote economic transformation for the world's major cities since the 1990s and has become the main development focus for cultural and creative industries. Featured by industries endogenous to local culture, the cultural and creative industries attempt to create new value through creativity and innovation extracted from local cultural elements. Cultural and creative merchandises thus made embody the new value created by the industries. The competitive advantage of the industries lies in the fact the cultural and creative merchandises are created out of unique local cultural elements and are thus irreplaceable. This is the competitive niche of urban economy in the global urban network. Tainan city has always been the cultural capital of Taiwan and has rich and diverse cultural heritages. However, there are few researches mining the advantages of its cultural and creative industries. Based on the cultural assets shaped by the facets of geographical environment, history and culture, industrial trajectory, life habit of the Tainanese, related official statistical data, and SWOT analysis, this exploratory research analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats facing cultural assets, and the advantages of the cultural and creative industries for. This study found that monuments, religious culture, snack food, traditional crafts, and cultural elements of agriculture and fisheries are the symbolical cultural markers of Tainan city and the cultural assets of Tainan city are unique and irreplaceable. Those cultural markers are, of course, the most competitive items in the cultural and creative industries.
起訖頁 47-71
關鍵詞 文化創意產業城市意象SWOT 分析探索性研究Cultural and Creative Industriesthe City ImageSWOT AnalysisExploratory Research
刊名 人文社會科學研究:教育類  
期數 201509 (9:3期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
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