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台灣精神醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Some Observations on Psychiatry Subspecialty Board Examination: Up from Complacency in Improving Psychiatric Education
作者 沈武典
On April 10-11, 2010, I participated as an examiner in this year’s psychiatry subspecialty board examination of the Taiwanese Society of Psychiatry. Among 73 candidates taking the oral exam, 41 passed the exam while 32 failed. The passing rate this year is 56%, which is roughly the same as previous years. Some candidates at some residency training programs are happy while others are sad. But the result is nothing new under the sun, which will continue to rise from the east and to set from the west. Coming from a different clinical training background, I have noticed the candidates’ performances in the board exam and have expressed and exchanged opinions with fellow examiners over the years. Through my observations and those of other examiners, I hope that this commentary article can stimulate some thoughts for the psychiatrist educators to abandon their complacency and to do something in improving psychiatric residency trainings in Taiwan. Some Observations Comparable passing criteria among the examiners The current oral exam format takes two examiners to sit in and watch a 40-minute patient’s interview by a candidate. After a 10-minute break to let the candidate organize the case material, the two examiners will then spend the same length of time to listen to his/her case presentation. Afterwards, the examiners would ask pertinent questions concerning the case including the understanding of diagnoses and treatments.
起訖頁 84-86
刊名 台灣精神醫學雜誌  
期數 201006 (24:2期)
出版單位 台灣精神醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 第二代抗精神病劑治療失智症的精神行為症狀:適應症或禁忌症
該期刊-下一篇 精神分裂症與功能復原




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