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台灣精神醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Second-generation Antipsychotics for Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia: Indication or Contraindication
作者 黃正平
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) is common in clinical psychiatry. BPSD which is the major source of caregiver and family burnout, may provoke elderly abuse, cause premature institutionalization, increase cost of care, and decrease quality of life. It is also associated with poorer prognosis, more rapid rate of cognitive decline, and greater impairment in activities of daily living. However, BPSD can be treated effectively and safety, compared to its counterpart of cognitive impairment, and may result in increasing quality of life of patients and their family, reducing caregiver distress as well as lower the risk of premature institutionalization. Second-generation (SGA or atypical) antipsychotics have been recommended to treat psychosis and agitation in patients with BPSD, and it is rated as standard level in evidence-based pharmacological treatment of dementia. In 2003, an Australian study was fi rst reported higher risk of cerebrovascular adverse events (CVAEs) in older patients with BPSD who receive risperidone compared with those treated with placebo in a randomized study.
起訖頁 81-83
刊名 台灣精神醫學雜誌  
期數 201006 (24:2期)
出版單位 台灣精神醫學會
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