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Beyond Employment: Immigrant Women's Experiences of Micro-Enterprise
作者 林億玫潘淑滿
Facing more personal and structural constraints for finding a job, immigrant women in Taiwan try to balance the needs of job and caring by engaging in micro-enterprise, which is more flexible and provide potential in developing a more viable career. This article, based on interviews with eight immigrant women engaging in micro-enterprise, investigates how gender, class and ethnicity impact the choices, experiences, strategies for developing micro-enterprise. The findings indicate that motivations for engaging in micro-enterprise include: Earning for living, continuing family business, and searching suitable career development. Most findings for initiating micro-enterprise are provided by personal savings and family members, but without any business loan. Ideas of developing microenterprise stems from personal skills and living and cultural experiences, micro-enterprise can also help immigrant women to achieve economic independence, to enhance self-confidence and to improve their status in the family, but micro-enterprise is still tainted by the gender division of labor. The problem of how education impacts the choice of micro-enterprise as a career need further studies to analyses. It deserves, more attention that immigrant women in Taiwan create a new image of enclave market, which is somewhat differ from the traditional enclave market founded upon whole family migration. In addition, this article also provides some suggestions for helping immigrant women to develop micro-enterprise.
起訖頁 1-48
關鍵詞 微型創業新移民女性飛地市場理性抉擇理論創業輔導方案Micro-enterpriseimmigrant womenenclave marketrationalchoice theoryentrepreneurship monitoring program
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (20:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣長期照顧保險的費率預測與調整規劃




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