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"The Wound is Healed Only by the Spear That Smote You": The Undead, Biopolitics and Psychoanalysis
作者 黃涵榆
This paper takes the undead as the fundamental condition of biopolitics. The first part offers a critical survey on the undead in the context of modern political theology and the body politic and contemporary biopolitics. Then, I will examine the avatars of the undead in psychoanalysis, such as the superego, the Neighbor, and the death drive, and how life conceptualized through them always already receives wounds and, therefore, is densely biopolitical. Then, in light of Zizek's elucidation, I will apply Lacan's "University discourse" to disentangle the complication of bureaucratic knowledge, surplus-enjoyment and contemporary uncertain, risky, anxiety-provoking capitalist biopolitical conditions. The last part of this paper proposes some ways to look at the undead as a potential, albeit ambiguous and indeterminate, site of radical possibilities. What I aim at is not so much any survival kit for contemporary biopolitics as some psychoanalytic views on radical politics that is grounded in insurrectional, revolutionary subjectivity and community.
起訖頁 39-63
關鍵詞 裸命生命政治死亡驅力極爽不死學院陣式傷口bare lifebiopoliticsdeath drivejouissanceundeadUniversity discourse
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201406 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 偶像崇拜收藏者與詭譎收藏品:夏綠蒂.勃朗特筆下的女性角色
該期刊-下一篇 多倫多的離散與對話:布蘭德的《我們之所渴望》




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