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"Loverless and Inexpectant of Love": The Brontëan Heroine as Idolatrous Collectors and Curious Collectibles
作者 劉涵英
This paper explores the Brontëan heroine's relationships with men by examining the sense of "curiosity" and "curiousness" inherent in the system of objects-especially mementos-throughout Charlotte Brontë's texts. Within Brontë's narratives mementos are rendered "curious," for they are often displaced, hidden, or described in excessive detail: they are defamiliarized. The collections of such curious mementos illuminate the paradoxical emotions of idolatry that Brontë's heroines are characteristic of. Meanwhile, as far as men are concerned, women are often delineated as curious objects themselves, inviting the curious male gaze. This paper first seeks to observe the curiousness of souvenirs-especially the mementos of hair and flowers-contained, or, rather, hidden, in tiny spaces by women, in order to analyze the sense of disavowal and self-denial that characterize Brontë's idolatrous heroines. From women-as-collectors this paper then moves on to discuss women as cabinets of curiosities and, eventually, curiosities themselves. As curious objects, the Brontëan heroine can at once attract the curious male gaze and skirt around it, forever maintaining the tension inherent in the mechanism of female exhibition/male penetration. Within such system of curious gazes, where the Brontëan heroine is both the curious collector of mementos and the "curious" collectibles, the seemingly paradoxical structure of their romantic relationships can be explicated.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 偶像崇拜紀念品頭髮花朵好奇心詭譎性百寶箱idolatrysouvenir/mementohairflowercuriositycuriousnesscabinet of curiosities
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201406 (31期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 「唯有傷你之矛可療癒」:不死、生命政治與精神分析




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