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The Multi-level Factors of Employee Health Behavior: Team Healthy Climate and Supervisor Charismatic Leadership
作者 葉淑萍林雅雯 (Ya-Wen Lin)
Due to substantial changes in work styles, long periods of sitting and excessively long working hours are increasingly common, and a lack of healthy lifestyles has become an important issue affecting employee health. Employee health promotion seems to have become a focus and goal of various fields. The main key in implementing workplace health promotion is the establishment and promotion of healthy lifestyles behaviors among employees. Most employees spend nearly one third, or even more, of their time in workplaces every day. Therefore, team members and workplaces can create a supportive and healthy environment, and the effects of a healthy climate caused by the interactions between its physiological and psychological factors can influence the health behaviors of individual employees. Furthermore, in the era of humanitarian quality management, the unique leadership strategies of departments or supervisors who have close contact with employees show a pattern and compliance effect on the shaping of subordinates’ health behaviors. The current study used team health climates and supervisors’ charismatic leadership to analyze and explore the factors influencing employee health behaviors in the hopes of establishing new theories and perspectives for practical use in various fields, including for verification and exchange purposes.
起訖頁 85-98
關鍵詞 團隊健康氣候魅力領導健康行為職場健康促進Team healthy climateCharismatic leadershipHealth behaviorsWorkplace health promotion
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 連續加藥式Sono-Fenton程序降解乙二胺廢水之影響因子探討




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