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Effects of Reaction Parameters on Ethylenediamine Wastewater Degradation by a Continuous Dosing Mode Sono-Fenton Process
作者 王綮慷魏語秀
有機剝膜液所含之乙二胺為半導體製程中主要的有機汙染廢水來源,不易被生物分解,故不利於傳統生物處理,未經處理排放至環境中將對人體健康產生疑慮,因此,本研究針對不同pH 及H2O2 、Fe2+ 的添加量,探討乙二胺之分解效率及其礦化率之變化。反應過程中取得之水樣分別對pH 、氧化還原電位(oxidation reduction potential, ORP) 、H2O2 、總有機碳(total organic carbon,TOC) 及乙二胺的濃度進行測定。實驗結果顯示,當實驗條件設定於pH 3.0 、25 ℃,H2O2 為4mg/min 及Fe2+ 20 mg/L 時,反應60 分鐘後,連續加藥式sono-Fenton 程序可分解61% 之乙二胺( 初始濃度為100 mg/L) ,礦化率為53.5% ,較批次加入提高20% ;若與Fenton 程序及單純超音波程序比較,Fenton 程序對於乙二胺之去除率僅為44.9% ,礦化率為39.7% ,超音波程序僅為15.4% 及15.0% 。根據實驗不同的參數結果得知,最佳的H2O2 及Fe2+ 的加藥量分別為4 mg/min 及20 mg/L ,同時,連續加藥式sono-Fenton 程序對於乙二胺之降解確實具有理想效果。
Contamination of ethylenediamine (C2 H8 N2 ), which is bio-refractory and non-biodegradable, in the organic stripping liquids is the main organic pollutant source in the wastewater of the industry; it would lead to the environmental pollution and harmful to human’ s health without efficient treatments. In this study, a continuous dosing mode sono-Fenton process was carried out to degrade and mineralize the ethylenediamine wastewater and the effects of reaction parameters such as pH levels, H2 O2 dosing rate and Fe2+ dosage were investigated. The profiles of oxidation reduction potential (ORP), pH, H2 O2 usage, removal of ethylenediamine and total organic carbon (TOC) were also investigated. Experimental results indicated that more than 61% of ethylenediamine (initial ethylenediamine concentration of 100 mg/L) and 53.5% of TOC were removed since the reaction was carried out at pH 3.0, 25o C, H2 O2 of 4 mg/min and Fe2+ of 20 mg/L after 60 min reaction. This result was 20% more than that of batch dosing mode. Also, at similar reaction condition, removals of ethylenediamine by Fenton process and sole ultrasound process were 44.9% and 15.4% followed by 39.7% and 15.0% of mineralization. Based on the results shown in this study, it is understand that the continuous dosing mode sono-Fenton process is effective on the degradation of ethylenediamine than batch dosing mode, where the optimal H2 O2 and Fe2+ dosages should be 4 mg/min and 20 mg/L.
起訖頁 75-84
關鍵詞 有機剝膜液總有機碳Sono-Fenton 程序乙二胺礦化率EthylenediamineMineralizationOrganic stripping liquidsSono-Fenton processTotal organic carbon
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 大豆異黃酮genistein與daidzein對α腫瘤壞死因子所誘導人類主動脈內皮細胞發炎反應之影響
該期刊-下一篇 員工健康行為的多層次影響因素初探:團隊健康氣候與主管魅力領導




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