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Predictors of Disordered Eating Behaviors in a Sample of Taiwanese Female Dance Students: An Application of Structural Equation Modeling
作者 陳惠欣林薇
本研究旨在探討影響舞蹈班女生異常飲食行為之因素與各因素之間的影響途徑。研究方法為橫斷式問卷調查法,收集260 位7-9 年級舞蹈班女生之基本資料、心理特質、體型意識與異常飲食行為等資料,以LISREL8.71 統計軟體進行分析。結果發現7-9 年級舞蹈班女生的節食行為受到身體滿意度、身體質量指數、完美主義、內在知覺感受、舞蹈表現、實際體型與期望體型差距等因素的影響,其中身體滿意度、體型差距與節食行為呈負相關性;且身體滿意度為自尊、身體自尊、與舞蹈表現影響節食行為的中介變項,即自尊或身體自尊較低、舞蹈表現較差者,其身體滿意度亦較低,而其節食行為發生的頻率也就相對較高。7-9 年級舞蹈班女生進食控制行為受到身體質量指數、完美主義、與自尊等因素影響,其中身體質量指數與進食控制行為呈負相關性,顯示身體質量指數愈低者其進食控制的頻率愈高;而暴食與食物關注行為則受到內在知覺感受此變項的影響,對於饑餓或飽足感受、對於自我情緒的確認與判定較缺乏自信者,其暴食行為發生的頻率較高。對於教育工作者而言,欲降低舞蹈班女生的異常飲食行為,可依據其不同的影響因素與途徑,從提昇其自尊、身體自尊、或身體滿意度著手。
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences and pathway of the psychological characteristics and body image toward disordered eating behaviors among Taiwanese female dance students. Questionnaires including psychological issue, body image, and disordered eating behaviors were collected from 260 7th to 9th graders. The disordered eating behaviors included the aspects of bulimia and food preoccupation, oral control, and dieting. Structural equating modeling was used to test the models that describe the predictors of three disordered eating behaviors. Results indicated that body satisfaction, body mass index, perfectionism, interoceptive awareness, achievement in dance performance, the discrepancy between actual and expected body shape were major predictors of dieting behaviors for 7th to 9th graders. The body satisfaction and the discrepancy between actual and expected body shape were negatively associated with dieting. Other than that, the body satisfaction acted as the mediator or modulator in the prediction of dieting model. The perfectionism, self-esteem, and body mass index were major predictors of girls’ oral control behaviors. The body mass index was negatively associated with oral control. The interoceptive awareness was major predictor of bulimia and food preoccupation behavior. To build a positive attitude toward individuals’ body, an intervention program providing a strategy on enhancing body-esteem would probably help adolescent dancers. Furthermore, a friendly environment to a female body shape or appearance may help girls to develop positive body image and eating behaviors.
起訖頁 15-27
關鍵詞 異常飲食行為體型意識心理特質結構方程模式Disordered eating behaviorBody imagePsychological characteristicsStructural equating modeling
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
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