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Developing Online Tutorials of Self-Paced Learning Modules in Nurses Caring Suicidal Patients
作者 韓文蕙徐玉珍
本研究主旨在設立「護理人員照護自殺患者之自學網站」,以提供臨床護理人員運用網路自學完成自殺病人照護繼續教育。此網站的建立可提供護理人員有多元學習管道,強化護理人員處理自殺企圖與憂鬱症病患之能力。本研究採立意取樣方式,以北部某區域醫院洗腎室、急診室及內科病房58 位護理人員為研究對象,研究工具係自擬之結構式問卷,依據問卷統計分析的結果建置護理人員照顧自殺患者之自學網站。本網站分為五個部份:1 .自殺問題現況2 .自殺病人護理3 .憂鬱及自殺病人測量工具4 .教學影片5 .網路互動。本自學網站之目的:1 .提供護理人員不受時空限制,輕鬆上網自我學習的機會。2 .建構護理人員對自殺病患照顧的知識技能。3 .期望自殺病人在住院期間因有妥善照顧而降低其自殺機率。4 .藉由此網站內容的學習,護理人員可早期發現有自殺意圖的病人,及早採行預防措施,減少自殺發生率。研究成果可推廣至其他各醫療專業單位,提供自殺防治在職教育多元化學習管道。
This study is aimed at developing online tutorials of self-paced learning modules in nurses caring suicidal patients as continuing education for clinical nurses. Establishment of this site can provide nurses with multiple learning channels, strengthening the ability of nurses to deal with suicide attempts and depression in patients. Nurses in Hemodialysis Rooms, Emergency Rooms and General Internal Medicine Wards at a regional hospital in northern Taiwan were selected by purposive sampling as the objects of this study. The data were collected by survey using self-administered questionnaire, resulting a total of 58 valid samples which were then processed. Based on the survey results, this study developed online tutorials of self-paced learning modules in nurses caring suicidal patients. This study then developed online tutorials of self-paced learning modules in nurses caring suicidal patients, which allow nurses to learn by schedule at the convenience of individuals. The tutorials are developed with five segments: i) current situation of suicide as a problem, ii) caring of suicidal patients, iii) instruments of determining clinic depression and suicide, iv) teaching videos, and v) online interaction. The development of this study is intended to achieve the following purposes: i) making learning easy for nursing staff, ii) rebuilding knowledge and competence required for nurse caring suicidal patients, iii) improving clinic nursing to lower suicidal ideation, and iv) helping build competence to identify patients with suicidal ideation or attempts at earlier stage, by learning through online tutorials. The findings of this study can be extended and applied in other institutes of medical caring profession, thus allowing diverse education channels for the learning of suicide prevention.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 自殺病人照護網路教學護理繼續教育Nurses caring of suicidal patientsOnline tutorialNursing continuing education
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201306 (11:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 舞蹈班女生異常飲食行為之影響因素與途徑:結構方程模式之應用




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