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The Application of Information Literacy to Designed University Courses-A Model Study on “Food Service and Business Management” Course
作者 李政達方麗川許淑蓮
Enhancement of students’ information literacy and competence has become arecent trend to modern teachers. The objective of this research is to observe whetherthe implementation of information education to a designed university course couldimprove the students’ abilities in their searching, screening, analyzing, categorizing,assessing, and applying information skills. Subjects (graduating seniors of theDepartment of Nutrition & Health Science, Fooyin University) were recruited fromthose who voluntarily participated in the designed course “Food Service and BusinessManagement”. Project presentation, hand-on practice, and assigned homework wereused to assess students’ versatile performances. Designed questionnaires wereadministered to students on the week 3 and 13. Implementations of informationliteracy programs were conducted on the week 6 and 10, respectively. Results showedthat students’ performances on “Abilities of searching and screening informationresources”, “Ability of information integration”, “Ability of information analysis”, and“Ability of information applications” were significantly improved after implementingthe programs (P< 0.05). The coefficient of variations (CV) among students in eachcategory were also reduced from the range of 75-81% to 41~62%, which indicated thatsystematical information implementation to a university course can effectively diminishthe difference of learning abilities among students in a class. Thus result indicated thatimplementation of information education in courses shall have a positive impact uponstudents’ information literacy.
起訖頁 59-72
關鍵詞 資訊教育資訊素養融入教學餐飲管理information educationinformation literacyeducation implementationfood service and business management
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200606 (4:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中藥摻西藥趨勢分析
該期刊-下一篇 建立啦啦隊競賽評審指標之研究




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