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The “In-House Agency Work” in the PTS and the Union Movement of Agency Workers
作者 劉昌德
公廣集團自2008 年後大量使用派遣勞動,約200 名的派遣工占整體員工比例高達20%;當中多數長年在各部門負責核心工作,薪資福利與進用考核等都由公廣集團決定,派遣公司僅是名義雇主,構成「內部外派」(in-house agency work)的假派遣。經由問卷調查與深度訪談發現,多數派遣工年紀輕、學歷高,卻面臨工作不穩定與「同工不同酬」的歧視,因此雖對公廣有高度認同,但也對勞動條件普遍不滿。2013 年派遣工組成工會抗爭,促使董事會一度承諾全面納編,但資方同時提出的人事縮編規劃卻引發傾向「排除型」態度的正職員工及企業工會反彈,最後大多數派遣工獲得納編、但少數遭到資遣。公廣派遣工會運動展現了追求「公共價值」與青年反抗「工作貧窮化」兩項特點,標誌出台灣媒體及非典型雇用者之工會運動的里程碑。
The number of agency workers in the PTS had increased rapidly since 2008, while a total of around 200 agency workers represented 20% of the PTS employees during recent years. However, most of agency works in the PTS were “long-term core jobs” rather than “temporary peripheral jobs,” and the recruitment, remuneration and benefits of agency workers were actually decided by the user enterprise, the PTS, rather than the employment agency. The agency employment in the PTS, therefore, had become the “in-house agency work” which broke the rules of related employment laws. According to the findings based on the questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews, the PTS agency workers were relatively young and high-educated, but most of them suffered from job insecurity and wage discrimination. Most interviewees were discontent with poor working conditions while highly evaluated and identified with the public interests that the PTS pursued. In 2013, the PTS agency employees established a union and urged the management for a transition to standard employment. Nevertheless, the standard employees and their union (the PTS union) spoke out against the“total transition plan,” and forced the employer laid off 6 agency workers while a total of 130 agency workers were successfully transited. The union movement of the PTS agency workers is unique for its two characteristics, including the internalization of public interests among the PTS members, and the young generation’s disobedience to the capitalism under the crisis of pauperization of work.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 工作貧窮化非典型雇用派遣勞動媒體工作者媒體工會agency workatypical employmentmedia unionsmedia workerspauperization of work
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201607 (128期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-下一篇 紀實、審美、控制:二十世紀八○年代中國大陸的電視批評及其文化意涵




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