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An Investigation of Cooperative Learning (CL) on the Enhancement of Medical Majors Students' Performance in Freshman English Courses
作者 胡文綺
大一英文課程為高等教育中一項關鍵科目,此時培育的英文能力可奠定未來學科基礎且影響長遠。本研究旨在探索醫藥學系大一英文課程中,實施合作學習法(Cooperative Learning, CL)對英語學習之影響。合作學習法為一門促進學習效果與應用能力的教學策略,具實用性、促進人際互動與提升學習動機,且能整合語言能力。本研究的對象為選修大一英文的醫藥學系新生共194 位。研究方法以文獻調查、課程設計、問卷、訪談等方法進資料蒐集分析。研究發現:一、合作學習加強醫學生之學習深度;二、合作學習教學模式之優點為促進課堂參與度與溝通分享內涵;三、合作學習法有應改善之處。最終,本文依據上述研究結果提出提升英語教學品質與未來研究建議。
Freshman English courses are fundamental and have long-term impact on students' learning achievement in higher education. Cooperative Learning (CL) is one teaching strategy to enrich learning effectiveness and is often used in various disciplines as well as English as a Second Language (ESL). The purpose of this study is to investigate the medical major students' experience and the effectiveness of using Cooperative Learning (CL) in the Freshman English courses. Participants in the study will be first-year students selected from schools of Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy in a medical university. Research methods include literature review, courses development, survey, and interview for data analysis. The results of this original research are expected to indicate meaningful and practical references of effective English instruction for medical universities as well as English programs in other fields. The main findings of this study are: (1) achievements in English examination scores and practical purposes are students' two major needs, (2) the benefits of Cooperative Learning include active class participation and in-depth interaction, (3) Cooperative Learning strategies should be adjusted accordingly. Future suggestions based on the results and findings are provided in the study.
起訖頁 53-86
關鍵詞 高等教育大一英文合作學習法Cooperative Learning (CL)Freshman EnglishHigher Education
刊名 長庚人文社會學報  
期數 201604 (9:1期)
出版單位 長庚大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 護理英文:臺灣英語學習者需求分析
該期刊-下一篇 論馬克佛森自由民主政治理論的形成與內涵




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