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Identification of Constitution, Disease, and Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Evidence Based Articles and Related literature Review
作者 李采珍蔡金川洪裕強
In this evidence based review study, the authors hope to integrate the identification of constitution, disease, and syndrome patterns in order to achieve a holistic view of TCM in the treatment of acne in our clinical practice. There are 1,043 relevant articles retrieved regarding to the identification of constitution, disease, and syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in the treatment of acne in recent 10 years (2007-2016). Among them, 6 evidence based clinical research articles and 6 narrative review articles were enrolled in this study for analysis. Our results showed that dampness-heat constitution is the most common constitution, and lung is the main disease location. Lung and the large intestine are closely related in the mechanism of disease. The syndrome pattern is not always correlative with the constitution. There are four main (common) syndrome types of acne: (1) wind-heat in lung meridian, (2) spleen and stomach damp heat, (3) disharmony of the thoroughfare and conception vessels and (4) blood stasis- phlegm congealing coagulated. The common prescriptions are mainly for heatclearing, detoxification, blood-cooling and dampness-dispelling medicine. The use of TCM artificial cycle treatment can regulate the level of sex hormone, reduce the recurrence rate, and alleviate symptoms for women with acne due to disharmony of the thoroughfare and conception vessels. The results of this evidence based review study may provide guidance for prevention of disease and control of ongoing disease in the treatment of acne in our clinical practice.
起訖頁 75-87
關鍵詞 痤瘡體質證型中醫藥實證醫學Acneconstitutionsyndrome patternTraditional Chinese MedicineEvidence based medicine
刊名 中醫藥研究論叢  
期數 201609 (19:2期)
出版單位 臺北市中醫師公會
該期刊-上一篇 「妊而不產」--明清醫籍對於鬼胎的認識
該期刊-下一篇 針灸治療原發性痛經之實證醫學研究分析




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