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An Exploratory Study on Licensed Guide Education in Japan
作者 申育誠
This paper’s main focus is on the current state of Japan's tourism policy, including the following three aspects:(1) the current characteristics of Japan's tourism industry policies and licensed guide;(2) the status of Japan's licensed guide (equal to that of our tour guides);and(3)Japan’s licensed guides’ tasks and some issues surrounding them. Concluding the paper, there were will be a summary of research results and some advice given, as a reference for our government in fostering domestic tour guides and leaders. Japan National Tourism Organization and the Japan Tourism Agency of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s main research methods centered around publishing official statistics and using media resources. The study found that in education, many of the licensed guides would pass with low marks, which would ultimately, leads to a serious shortage of qualified personnel. Which meant, a majority of the licensed guides were unfit and unable to respond accordingly to the substantial increase in the number of foreign visitors. That resulted in license 「control 」and「laxness」, which will be discussed further. Improving the quality of the licensed guide is also an important issue for the future.
起訖頁 55-68
關鍵詞 日本通譯案內士觀光產業培育JapanLicensed GuideTourism IndustryEducation
刊名 旅遊健康學刊  
期數 201612 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北護理學院旅遊健康研究所
該期刊-上一篇 不同類型運動觀光客在參與動機和遊憩體驗與幸福感之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 科技大學餐飲英文字彙學習動機與學習成就之關聯分析




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