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澄清醫護管理雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Impact of A New Hospital on A Neighboring Hospital’s New Patient Encounters in Taichung County
作者 洪錦墩陳進堂詹清旭施雅文夏大明
New hospitals influence nearby hospitals especially in terms of visits by new patients. The number of first-visit patients is the key to growth of medical facilities. Recently, many hospitals have opened in central Taiwan and the number of medical beds in this area is growing rapidly. Retaining patients in this area has become vital to the survival of hospitals and is the object of this study. This study is based on the database of new patient visits and information about out-patient medical services and emergency patients from 2005 to 2007 at a nearby hospital after the opening of a new facility. We found that the average age of first visit patients was 32.24 and most were from Fengyuan City, Taichung County followed by Tanzi and Shengang Townships. The total of first visit patient dropped from 2.80% to 2.59% and then to 2.56% as the nearby hospital was affected by this new hospital particularly with regard to the patient’s age, medical division, and diagnosis. A significant drop in the number of new patients in a nearby hospital was found after the establishment of the new hospital. The age groups 21 to 30 and 81 and above were most affected. We suggest strengthening market segregation by luring young and elderly patients from within this area. Opening a northern regional patient source and providing Chinese medicine and a specialized division for the elderly could be the best solutions.
起訖頁 14-20
關鍵詞 新醫院初診病患醫療服務市場New hospitalsFirst visit patientsHealthcare market segregation
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201010 (6:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 人觀與生命的意義
該期刊-下一篇 以體外震波碎石術治療泌尿道結石其結石廓清率及影響結石復發之相關因素──以中部某區域醫院為例




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