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The View of Person and the Meaning of Life
作者 苑舉正
In Flanagan's The Really Hard Problem (MIT Press, 2007), he attempts to, on the basis of neo-Darwinian theory, 'dissolve' the supernatural world to the natural world. While attempting to do so, he admits the desire of pursuing happiness as, understandably a part of nature, or more precisely, human nature. This is what he considers the solution of 'The really hard problem' which refers to 'how meaning is possible in this world ?' The book deserves a careful review because it is innovative in the sense that it holds a strong confidence in science to such an extent that the self-conceived consciousness is fully admitted if the naturalistic stance is complied in the first place. In other words, Flanagan is willing to talk about religious and ethical issues in terms of mind science which has a long period of revulsion towards those issues. For this reason, we intend to review the book by first reconstructing its structure of ideas and then criticizing its core point. The review, other than the introduction and the conclusion, is divided in to three parts: the view of person, the meaning of life and the faith in science. Naturally, the first two parts intend to portray the main structure of the book and the third part is a comment added to the work. The conclusion reiterates that taking everything non-scientific into the realm of science is not necessary to launch an argument defending the meaning of life. The very existence of the human society is sufficient to do so.
起訖頁 4-13
關鍵詞 人觀生命意義幸福自然主義Meaning of LifeO. FlanaganEudaimoniaNaturalism
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201010 (6:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-下一篇 新設立醫院對鄰近個案醫院初診病患來源之影響




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