英文摘要 |
We conducted a prospective study to determine if implementation of a dynamic color labeling of a patient’s waiting status can effectively decrease waiting time in the emergency department. We first developed a local triage system with a total of 5 levels of acuity (New triage categories 1 to 5, or N1-N5 respectively). For different time ranges of remaining time to acuity-specific due time, we assigned corresponding background colors of the patient list on the ED information system. As time elapsed in waiting to be seen by a physician, the background color would have a dynamic change progressing from white to red, which will alert the emergency physician to see the patient without delay. Those who waited longer than 15 minutes decreased from 11.4% to 7.1%, with target accomplish rate 62.9%. The number of N2 patient who waited longer than 15 minutes decreased from 3.2% to 1.0%, with target accomplish rate 115%. We conclude that this information technology was useful in facilitating provider communications, and improved the efficiency/efficacy of emergency medicine by shortening physician-waiting time, especially for those with more critical conditions. |