英文摘要 |
In the intensive care unit, nursing personnel must evaluate and record nursing activities .There fore ,precise evaluation and recording volume, especially the patients fluid balance, is an important evidence. This can also help the physician in making a diagnosis. This precise recording mechanism was started in the hope of lowering and improving and incomplete recording methods of fluid balance in the ICU. The study period was from July 27 2007 to august 2007 the collected incomplete fluid balance record for in patients was 60.﹪after analysis the following problems were identified: 1.intake / output balance sheet not promptly and correctly filled. 2.uncertain manner of assessing the weights of diapers. 3.personnel are uncertain of the correct way of weighing gauges and dressings. 4.over-wide calibration of measuring instruments. 5.personnel are uncertain of what comprises correct fluid intake / output amount. After estabushing a special unit targeting these problems the following were implemented to increase the accuracy of recording:devise a simple fluid balance record sheet、increase number of weight instruments、devise a commonly used materials weights、devise various caubrated measuring cups、magnify the calibration on measuring cups、 revising the fluid balance sheet. After these measures were adopted the imprecise recording of fluid balance in the icu fell from 60﹪to 5.9﹪.This suggests that an accurate and complete fluid balance sheet can provide correct fluid and electrolyte balance diagnosis. This can also aid in hemodialysis therapy by estabushing a precise measure of the patient’s hydration status key words icu fluid input fluid output nursing records. |