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The Managers’ Experiential Learning of Program Planning in Active Ageing Learning Centers
作者 葉俊廷 (Chun-Ting Yeh)
Planning older adult learning programs is really a complex work. Program planners go through different learning stages and accumulate experiences to be able to undertake the task alone. This study aimed to explore the experiential learning process of older adult learning program planners who work in the Active Ageing Learning Centers (AALCs). Semi-structure interviews were conducted with seven program planners. The findings of this study were identified as follows. 1) Before being a program planner, the participants’ knowledge results from grasping and transforming experience gained from their family, their daily lives and past learning experiences; 2) after being a program planner, the participants’ experiential learning focused on leadership, training in the institute, professional development, as well as involvement in organizations for elderly people; and 3) the participants’ experiential learning outcomes in the older adult learning program planning include: their ability to reflect on the appropriateness and fulfillment of program planning, to apply theoretical knowledge and professional background in the field, and to make plans for future learning and business strategies.
起訖頁 105-136
關鍵詞 方案規劃高齡學習經驗學習樂齡學習中心Active Ageing Learning Centersexperiential learningolder adult learningprogram planning
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201612 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 學生美感經驗、創意自我效能與創造力:教師創造力教學有效嗎?
該期刊-下一篇 後現代的幸福生涯觀:變與不變的生涯理論與生涯諮商之整合模型




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