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An Exploration of Models for Service-Learning: Definition%2C History%2C and Construction
作者 高建民
Service-learning programs are widely implemented in schools around Taiwan, and plenty of studies on service-learning have been conducted. However, when it comes to the development of theory, more work in this area is needed. To lay the groundwork for the development of theory, it’s essential to construct the models for service-learning. The purposes of the present paper were to explore the definition of the model for service-learning, to trace its history, to sort out its elements, and to construct a model for service-learning, with a view to contributing to theory and practice in this area. Literature analyses were conducted to collect and examine the literature concerning models for service-learning in Taiwan and abroad, by which the definition of the model for service-learning was clarified, and four models for service-learning were introduced, including a series of process models for service-learning.The present paper pointed out that a narrow definition of a model for service-learning is “a set of elements that are closely related, which is used to describe or guide service-learning; normally, the relationship among these elements is sequent or interactive.” According to this definition, a lot of “models for service-learning,” which are actually categorizations of models for service-learning, may be regarded as models for service-learning in a broad sense. Each of the four models the present paper explored, consisting of various elements and describing the practices of service-learning from different perspectives, is beneficial to the development of service-learning in general. Based on the findings and analyses, some recommendations were provided for further research: 1) the term “model for service-learning” may be used in a broad or narrow sense; 2) researchers and practitioners may try to re-construct models for service-learning; 3) the relationship among the elements of a model for service-learning should be sequent or interactive; 4) reflection, commitment, and evaluation are integral to the model for service-learning; 5) further exploration of participants’ mental state is necessary; 6) more emphasis should be placed on the action stage in the model; 7) based on the above-mentioned recommendations, the present paper proposed a model for service-learning.
起訖頁 197-225
關鍵詞 服務-學習模式歷程模式service-learningmodelprocess model
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201610 (5:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 日本高等教育國際化的危機與轉機-以世界大學排名為例
該期刊-下一篇 樂齡運動指導員的專業成長




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