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臺灣教育評論月刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Internationalization Crisis and Chance of Higher Education in Japan -World University Ranking as Case Examples-
作者 申育誠闕百華
本文主要透過以下三大面向(一) Times Higher Education 世界大學排名指出 日本高等教育國際化的危機,(二) 超級國際型大學創立支援計畫的推行重點, (三) 東京大學國際化推進計畫的特徵,分析日本的大學推動國際化之現況與問 題點。文末歸納研究結果並提出建議,以期作為我國政府提升大學競爭力之參 考。研究方法採日本文部科學省所公布的官方統計資料及東京大學公布資料為主 要參考文獻,進行個案探討。本研究發現:日本高等教育在世界大學排名的名次 逐漸低落,尤其體現在學生、教師的國際性及國際合作部分,爰為配合大學國際 化所訂立招募外國留學生及教職員的目標值太高,實行不易外,日本政府的經費 補助刪減亦成為大學提升競爭力的最大變數。
This is an analysis of attempts to internationalize higher education by Japanese universities as well as problem areas, mainly from the following three perspectives: 1) the internationalization crisis Japanese higher education faces according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, 2) the implementation emphases of the Top Global University Project, 3) the features of the University of Tokyo’s internationalization initiative. Research results were obtained and recommendations have been made for reference for the Taiwan government in raising university competitiveness. Methodologically, data for case study was derived from the official statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as well as the University of Tokyo. It was found that institutions of higher education in Japan are dropping steadily in the world rankings, especially due to the internationalization of staff, students, international collaboration or lack thereof: objectives for the recruitment of foreign exchange students and teaching personnel were set too high; moreover, institutions of higher education have had difficulty in implementation. In addition, the Japanese government’s pruning of funding and subsidies has become a key variable militating against attempts to internationalise and thereby raise the competitiveness of higher education in Japan.
起訖頁 129-146
關鍵詞 日本高等教育超級國際型大學創立支援計畫世界大學排名JapanHigher educationTop Global University ProjectWorld University Ranking
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201610 (5:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 數位設計與藝術創作教學之初探
該期刊-下一篇 服務-學習模式之探究:意義、發展與建構




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