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A Study of Break-Up Adjustment in Taiwan Same-Sex Couples: A Life Course Perspective
作者 謝文宜 (Wen-Yi Shieh)
分手一直是個人生命歷程中親密關係的重大事件。本研究以深入訪談的方式蒐集32 位男同志、35 位女同志分手經驗(20-29 歲21 人,30-39 歲26 人,40-59 歲20 人),嘗試瞭解同志伴侶分手後個 人如何因應與調適,不同時代背景與生命階段分手調適的經驗為何。本研究發現同志分手調適的行 動策略包括:轉移注意力、拓展社會支持網絡、強化自我增能、接受「緣盡緣滅」的宿命觀與選擇 負向因應調適等經驗。此外,研究者進一步從生命歷程的觀點,將個人不同生命階段的分手經驗放 在歷史與文化脈絡當中進行檢視,注意到華人同志「無法浮出檯面的伴侶關係」、「社會變遷與世代 差異」與「個人生命發展階段」的特殊性,按著個人生命經驗與特殊的社會背景,不同世代面對分 手這事情,框架起不同的分手經驗。個人分手調適經驗隨著社會外在環境的結構性變化,年齡的增 長,生命經驗的累積,以及個人情緒與認知模式的轉變,交互使用不同的因應策略,為個人生命軌 跡帶來新的變化與發展。
In this study, the author examines how same-sex couples adjust when their relationship ends, and how the break-up experience varies according to different life stages and cohorts. Interviews were conducted with 32 gay men and 35 lesbians who had experienced a break-up of an intimate relationship. There were 21 participants from the age group of 20-29, 26 from the age group of 30-39, and 20 from the age group of 40-59 to represent different generation. It was found that the most commonly used adjustment strategies were displacement; seeking support from one’s social network; self-empowerment; adopting the viewpoint of predestination; and choosing negative ways to adjust. In addition, the author used a life course perspective to examine break-up experiences at different life stages within a historical and cultural context. From this perspective, the author found that Chinese same-sex couples experience “hidden couple relationships,” “society transition and cohort differences,” and “personal life development stages.” According to different life experiences and social backgrounds, these participants from different cohorts experienced relationship break-ups differently. Due to the structural changes of society, age differences, life experiences, and personal emotional/cognitive changes, the different strategies used brought about new transformations and development in the life path.
起訖頁 113-144
關鍵詞 分手調適生命歷程同志分手同性戀伴侶關係break-up adjustmentlife coursegay / lesbiansame sex couple relationship
刊名 中華輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201612 (47期)
出版單位 台灣輔導與諮商學會
該期刊-上一篇 當第一個孩子來報到:新手父母的親職參與和婚姻滿意度




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