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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Analysis and Evaluation of Manual Materials Handling Tasks: A Field Study
作者 林久翔王順正 (Soun-Cheng Wang)陳志勇葉文裕
由於自動化設備的昂貴,以及作業空間限制等因素,人工物料搬運仍為企業間最普遍的物料運送方法,然而過度與不當的人工物料搬運,為造成人體下背傷害的主要因素之一。本研究透過對國內以人工物料搬運作業為主之相關行業進行實地調查,所調查之對象包括貨運業、郵遞業、倉儲業、物流中心、搬家業、家具業、家電業及垃圾清運業等。本研究利用問卷、現場訪談、與攝影取得所需資料,問卷內容包括進行人工物料搬運時之作業內容、所採用之輔護具、發生之身體不舒服部位與程度、作業空間與限制條件等,並利用現場作業影片分析搬運所造成之工作負荷,為進行影片動作之分析,本研究發展一九肢段人體模型,以之計算全身關節作用力矩,並發展關節作用力矩比值與關節屈曲/伸展角度比值二個人工抬舉作業負荷之參考變數。研究結果發現,從業人員因為搬運作業而引起之下背疼痛比例最高,操作姿勢以站立與自由式搬運較常見,搬運重量常常超過20kg,抬起高度則以60-90cm 為主,而連續作業時間超過二小時者亦佔相當之比例。另外,研究中發現關節作用力矩比值與關節屈曲/伸展角度比值與受測人員之主觀身體疼痛感覺有顯著之相關性,可作為人工抬舉作業負荷之參考指標。
Due to the high cost of automation facilities and the limitations of space requirements in using these facilities, manual materials handling remains a most prevalent way of materials transportation. Unfortunately, the capacity of the human body is quite limited in materials handling. Over-exertions often cause lower back injuries to the human body. The study investigated the use of manual materials handling in the field. Eight different business categories were surveyed in the study. The survey included a questionnaire, an interview form, and videotaping of on-site operations. This paper describes the results of the survey study, including the manual lifting tasks, body discomfort parts, lifting aids used, and space limitations. The study developed a 9-link body model and used it to calculate the joint moments during work. Two ratios were further developed, the ratio between actual joint moments and predicted maximum moments, and the ratio between actual joint angles and maximum joint angles. The study found that low back pain was the most common body discomfort part in these fields, standing and free-style lifts were more often than others, lifting weights were often more than 20 kg, lifting heights between 60-90 cm were more common, and lifting duration beyond 2 hours were common. The study also found that the two joint ratios developed in the study were correlated with the body discomfort significantly.
起訖頁 285-300
關鍵詞 人工物料搬運生物力學工作負荷Manual materials handlingBiomechanicsPhysical workload
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200009 (8:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 三甲胺採樣分析方法研發
該期刊-下一篇 聽力檢查室背景音量測定評估




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