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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Recent Development in Machinery Safety
作者 吳世雄高崇洋
由於歐體CE 標誌對於機械安全標準一致化的強制實施,及國際間對ISO 9000及ISO 14000 系列之國際標準的認證,加上英國標準組織於1996 年完成BS 8800(安全衛生管理系統指針)之標準,已引起國際間熱烈的討論,因為品質、環保須與安全衛生結合,方能成為一完整標準體系且缺一不可。故許多跨國企業已將合作國家之工業安全衛生之成效,做為合作關係持續與否的重要考量因素,尤其是工業用相關的機械產品必須有安全設計。因此,國際標準組織(ISO)目前正積極的增修訂許多機械設備的標準,且將由WTO(世界貿易組織)來確實執行。然而,事實上機械不可能不故障,且又無法保證操作人員永不錯誤,為達到百分之百的安全,歐、美、日各國數十年來,致力於「安全確認」理論與技術的發展,來克服可靠度及故障率理論之缺失。目前ISO 業已陸續將「安全確認」納入標準的規範中,而歐洲共同體所實施的CE 標誌之認證制度,就是以安全確認論的理念與精神為其主要的認證依據,此舉乃為凝聚世界各國對機械安全重要性的共識,再次證明了機械安全國際化的趨勢。所以,我國在積極加入WTO 之際,須因應國際間此一產品安全之發展,積極致力於研究,以達降低國內的職業災害、保障勞工安全的目的。
Due to the coercive execution of the uniformity of the machinery safety standard by European Economic Community,s CE mark and the certification of the international standard of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series in the world along with the publication of BS 8800 ,occupational safety health and management system standard, by British Standard Institute, machinery safety has animated discussion in the world. Requirements of a complete system of standards include quality control, environmental protection and occupational safety and health. Many multinational enterprises emphasize occupational safety and health in considering cooperative relationships with other enterprises, especially in terms of safety designs of machinery products. Furthermore, the International Standard Organization (ISO) actively revises many standards related to machinery recently, which will be enforced by the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, the machines may fail or break down, and one can not guarantee the users never make a mistake. To achieve inherent safety, European, American countries and Japan are devoted to theoretical and technical development of “fail-safe” concept for improved reliability and increased degree of fault tolerance. Hence ISO already integrates the “failsafe” to standard rules. Obviously, the accreditation system of CE mark established by European Economic Community is a major step toward the idea of the theory of fail- safe. This trend will aggregate the agreement of the importance of machinery safety and pave the way for internationalization of machinery safety standard. Since Taiwan is determined to join the World Trade Organization in the near future, more efforts should be dedicated to the research and development of machinery safety to achieve the goals of reduced occupational accidents and enhanced labor safety.
起訖頁 79-100
關鍵詞 機械安全安全確認安全標準Machinery safetyFail-safeSafety standards
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199803 (6:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 影響六價鉻環境採樣分析之因素
該期刊-下一篇 非動力手工具人因設計指引之編訂




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