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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Measurements of Psychophysiological Response and Screening of High Job Stress Factory Workers
作者 張永源陳秋蓉邱玫芳陳婷婷
本研究目的在以生理心理反應測定來瞭解勞工生理心理反應的情形,看是否能從生理心理反應測定值反應出勞工的工作壓力水準,並根據生理心理反應所測定的血壓、心跳、膚電反應、肌電反應以及職災與缺勤記錄,來建立勞工工作壓力量表臨界值的可行性。共計施測4家國營事業單位與一家民營事業單位401位勞工。以勞工在工作壓力源量表的得分分佈,將勞工區分為高得分組(即得分分佈的上25%)與低得分組(即得分分佈的下25%),並以t檢定或無母數統計檢定兩組在生理心理反應測定值與職災、缺勤記錄有無顯著性差異,結果得出心跳、膚電反應與缺勤3項達顯著性差異(P<.05),另以複線性回歸分析方法亦得到相同的結果。以低分組勞工在這3項指標的平均值+1.96標準誤訂為上限,且勞工在這3項測定值,均同時高於上限訂為高工作壓力勞工的判定標準(即心跳77次/秒以上,膚電反應.38仟歐姆以上,缺勤1.2天/年以上),其餘未達此判定標準者屬工作壓力正常組。經由受試者操作特徵圖之判讚得出勞工工作壓力源量表的敏感性(Sensitivity)為75%,特異性(Specificity)為74%,以此最佳臨界點所換算出來的勞工工作壓力源量表臨界分數(cut-off score)為 93分,亦即勞工在工作壓力源量表的得分若高於93分,將篩檢列為高工作壓力危險群。今後可根據本研究所建立的勞工工作壓力源量表臨界分數,大量施測於相關行業的事業單位,可有效早期發現高工作壓力危險性之勞工,以進一步接受勞工工作壓力管理訓練計畫。
Purpose of this study is to measure the psychophysiological responses among the factory workers so that the level of job stress can be reflected as well as the feasibility of the cut-off score of the Job Stress Inventory (JSI) can be determined and established through the psychophysiological response measures of blood pressure, heart rate, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Electromyograph (EMG), as well as the collection of unobtrusive records of occupational injuries and absenteeism. A total of 401 factory workers from 4 state-owned companies in the steel, ship building, petro chemical industries, and one private airline company were administered with JSI and measured psychophysiologically. Workers were classified into two groups: high score group with scores in the upper 25% and lower score group with scores in the lower 25%. Only two, heart rate and GSR, of the four psychophysiological response measures and one, absenteeism, of two unobtrusive records were found to be significantly different between high score group and low score group in JSI by the statistical methods of Student t test and nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. The same significant results were also obtained from the multiple regression analysis as the results from t-test or U test. The criteria for diagnosing the factory workers as high level of job stress were according to cut-off of the upper limit of the 95% C.I. in these three significant predictors. The cut-off score for the JSI can be accurately determined by computing different values of sensitivity and specificity, and combined with the receiver -operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The satisfactory cut-off score for the JSI has been set at 93 using these procedures when the sensitivity and specificity reach 75% and 74% respectively. If workers' scores in the JSI are higher than this cut-off score will be classified as the high risk group of job stress. Results from this study can bel largely applied to the factory-related workers for the mass screening and early identification of high level of job stress among factory workers. An effective stress management intervention program can reduce the level of job stress and prevent absenteeism.
起訖頁 53-66
關鍵詞 工作壓力生理心理反應缺勤臨界分數Job StressPsychophysiological ResponseAbsenteeismCut-off Score
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199709 (5:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 環氧乙烷熱脫附採樣分析技術
該期刊-下一篇 鈷、鉻金屬與人體血清白蛋白體外反應結合性質之探討




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