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Feasibility Study of Recirculating Exhaust Air in a Soldering Workplace
作者 郭玉梅陳志傑陳春萬葉文裕
本研究以半導體工廠軟焊作業為例,由保護員工健康以及經濟效益兩個觀點出 發,評估迴風系統運用在軟焊作業場所的可行性。由於台灣地區夏天天氣炎熱,軟焊作業場所經由溫度調節之冷空氣經由流焊爐局部排氣大量洩出,造成能源浪費。研究調查結果顯示,迴風中之粉塵濃度與鉛濃度遠低於環境法規與作業環境中有害物質容許濃度之規定,因此若只考慮此二種物質則迴風是可行之措施。但是該工廠應用迴風可能面臨的最大問題在於其排氣中含有特殊味道,此味道可能導致員工之不適與抗議。如果需要去除其味道再進行迴風的話,則經濟效益上並不可行。其次,根據國外之經驗,將含有污染物之排氣回收使用,只是加大了污染工作環境之風險,因為可能需要更多的成本以復原意外受污染之工作環境。因此本研究並不建議在該作業場所使用迴風系統。
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of recirculating the soldering exhaust air from the viewpoints of both health protection and financial gain. Both particle and lead concentrations were found to be far below permissible exposure levels. Recirculation seems appropriate in the soldering industry as far as particle and lead in the exhaust air were concerned. In addition to particulate pollutants, organic vapor from the exhaust is another important factor to be considered. Odor due to organic solvent and/or flux fume in the soldering process may make the workers feel uncomfortable. Recirculation becomes economically infeasible when gaseous pollutants need to be controlled. Besides, recirculating soldering exhaust air will increase the risk of workplace being contaminated by the pollutants in the exhaust air based on the experiences of other countries. On the whole, recirculation is not recommended.
起訖頁 91-104
關鍵詞 迴風通風系統軟焊作業半導體工廠軟焊作業recirculationsoldering industrysemiconductor industry soldering process
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199612 (4:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 吊鉤應力分析
該期刊-下一篇 某專科學校實驗室等場所感電危害之檢測




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