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A Comparison Study on the Aspiration Efficiencies of Aerosol Samplers by Using Static Sampling Methods
作者 蔡朋枝Vincent,James H. (Vincent,James H.)Maldonado,George (Maldonado,George)
本研究係利用作業勞工及人形模特兒各攜帶兩種氣膠個人採樣器(含-37-mm〝總〞氣膠採樣器及-IOM可吸入性氣膠採樣器)於鎳生產製造作業場所中進行採 樣,以做為評估比較上述二種採樣器吸入效率之基礎。由於現場作業勞工之人數有限,為取得足夠之樣本,故亦用人形模特兒以區域採樣法模擬勞工之個人暴露。實驗對四個鎳生產製造工廠之十四個單位作業場所進行採樣,分別獲得122及90對勞工及模特兒之採樣樣本。研究結果發現各單位作業場所之可吸入性氣膠及總氣膠暴露(分別以EIOM及及E37表之),可以簡單直線模式EIOM=SE37描述,並以權衡因子為Wc(=l/(E37)2)之加權最小二乘法為最佳之迴歸分析方法。依據各單位作業場所所得之勞工及人形模特兒個人採樣之迴歸分析結果,就總捕集粒狀物而言,S各為1.84〜3.64及1.50〜2.83,但就總捕集之鎳及其化合物而言,S各為1.19〜4.01及1.41〜2.31,並且均以鎳礦場之迴歸分析結果為最高。另本研究亦利用各作業場所之迴歸結果之95%信心區間,針對勞工個人及人形模特兒所得之結果進行成對比較。結果發現除了鎳礦場作業場所外,餘各場所勞工採樣及人形模特兒採樣結果均呈相同之趨勢,因此本研究認為人形模特兒可有效地增加採樣樣本數。
This paper describes a study that was carried out in four nickel production plants to investigate the performance difference between the 'total' aerosol sampler (37-mm personal sampler) and the inhalable aerosol sampler (IOM personal sampler). Field samplings were carried out at 14 workplaces in mining, milling, smelting, and refining facilities. As a result of 120 worker personal sampling data and 90 static mannequin sampling data were obtained. The weighted least-squares with the weighting factor of Wc = 1/(E37)2) was found to be an appropriate regression method for the simple linear regression model of E IOM = S E37, where EIOM and E37 represent the amount of materials collected by IOM and 37-mm personal sampler, respectively. The regression yielded S factors for total collected dust of the worker and static mannequin sampling results were ranging from 1.84 to 3.64 and 1.50 to 1.83, respectively; and for total collected nickel were ranging from 1.19 to 4.01 and 1.41 to 2.31, respectively. The regression results for worker sampling data and static mannequin sampling data at each workplace, except those for mining facility, were found to be consistent, which indicated it is appropriate to combine above two sampling results for the purpose of increasing sample size, statistical power, and obtaining a more representative regression result for each workplace.
起訖頁 59-73
關鍵詞 氣膠暴露總氣膠可吸入性氣膠成對比較aerosol exposuretotal aerosolinhalable aerosolpairedcomparison
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199603 (4:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 施力姿勢對手部握力、捏力與扭力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 勞工個人暴露影像監測技術評估




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