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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Effect of Hand Posture on Grip, Pinch and Torque Exertions Capabilities of Hand
作者 石裕川傅鑫淩王茂駿
本研究的主要目的是探討國人年輕之男女性(18~30歲)在不同施力姿勢(手臂高度)下對手部三種主要施力型態(握力、捏力與屈/伸扭力)之施力能力的影響。本研究共有60位學生受試者參與,其中男女各30人。在實驗設計上,三個實驗的因變數皆為最大之意志收縮施力;實驗因子除了性別與受試者之外,握力實驗中尚包含手部高度(肩高,肘高,指節高)與握把間距;捏力實驗中則包含手部高度(同握力);扭力實驗中則考慮了手部高度(肩高,肘高,過頭高)與手腕施力方向(伸展/屈曲)。握力實驗中選定的握把間距分別為25.4毫米(mm)(1英吋)、38.1毫米(1.5英吋)、50.8毫米(2英吋)、63.5毫米(2.5英吋)與76.2毫米(3英吋)等五個水準;而高度水準之設定乃考慮工作面之變化。本研究結果發現,男女性在施力的大小上有顯著的差異;國人女性握力(公斤)約男性之45%(14.6/32.8),捏力(公斤)約為男性之67%(3/4.5),屈曲/伸展扭力(牛頓米)約男性之69%(1.78/2.59)。當握把間距約在38至50.8毫米時,男女性皆會產生較大的握力。雖然高度會顯著影響握力及扭力的施用,但卻不影響捏力。再者,手腕伸展所產生的扭力優於手腕屈曲時所產生的扭力,且屈曲時的扭力約為伸展時的2/3 (1.77/2.61)。
The objective of this study intends to investigate the effect of hand posture on the maximum volitional contraction (MVC) of three types of hand force exertions (grip, pinch, and torque). There were 60 student subjects, including 30 males and 30 females. The ANOVA results indicate that gender effect influences the three types of hand MVCs significantly. Female grip MVC (14.6 kg) is about 45% of male (32.8 kg); female pinch MVC (3 kg) is about 67% of male (4.5 kg), and female torque MVC (1.78 Nm) is about 69% of male (2.59 Nm). Operating height can not affect pinch MVC significantly. Even if there is a significant operating height effect on both grip and torque MVCs, yet the difference in MVC among the three heights is limited. Furthermore, both males and females can generate the greatest grip MVC as the handle span ranges from 38 to 50.8 mm which is similar to the result of foreign studies. We also find that torque MVC of wrist extension (2.61 Nm) is significantly greater than that of wrist flexion (1.77 Nm).
起訖頁 43-57
關鍵詞 最大意志收縮施力握力捏力扭力手腕屈曲/伸展maximum volitional contractiongrippinchtorquewrist extension/flexion
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199603 (4:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 橋樑上部結構施工法風險評估
該期刊-下一篇 以區域採樣法評估氣膠採樣器吸入效率之研究




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