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Duyu's 'Changli' and His Textual Research on the Dates in 'Chunqiu and Zuozhuan'
作者 郜積意
Changli (長曆) was arranged by Duyu according to the dates 扭曲e Chunqiu and Zuozhuan. Its distinguishing feature was following these works' months, days, and solar eclipses in order to verify the dates of the new moon. Compared with the many calendars before Duyu's, Changli missed only thirty-three dates and four solar eclipse days and was mostly in accordance with the dates of Chunqiu and Zuozhuan. However, besides leaving out these thirty-three dates, Changli missed seven dates, which Duyu explained by confu (從赴) (historians' recording of royal obituary notices). As his explanations for congfu were contradictory, we do not need to take at face value his argument regarding the missing seven dates. Through Duyu's explanations for congfu and intercalation, we know that the arrangement of Changli was affected not only by his textual research of the dates, but also by his interpretation of the classics. Comparing the classics and the calendar to each other should help us fully understand Duyu's studies of Zuozhuan.
起訖頁 389-428
關鍵詞 社預《長厝》《左傳集解》曆日考證DuyuChangliZuozhuanjijietextual research of dates in Chunqiu and Zuozhuan
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200909 (39:3期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
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該期刊-下一篇 摩羅,志怪,民俗:魯迅詩學的非理性視域




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