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On 'The Three Works of Political Peace' (治平三議) by Chen Qiu (陳虬)
作者 竹內弘行
Chen Qiu (1851-1904) of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province was a doctor and one of the pioneers of the reform movement at the end of the Qing dynasty. The paper that he wrote in 1883 called 'The Three Works of Political Peace' was included in and published ten years later in 1893 in one volume of the 'The Complete Works of Political Thought,' his anthology of reform theory. The contents of this paper were extremely large in scale, starting with stabilization of local areas by the revitalization of the family system and then restructuring the government by the implementation of the feudal system. In addition, he added the establishment of a unified world government leading to the achievement of complete world peace, which led this paper to be seen as one of the precursors in the works on 'The Thought of Great Harmony' in leadership ideology in modern Chinese history. However, when looking at the contents of the paper thoroughly, we can conclude that Chen Qiu's philosophy does not have much connection with western democratic philosophy, but was only an extention of a unified Chinese imperial ideology.
起訖頁 345-361
關鍵詞 陳虬治平三議大同思想世界政府溫州Chen Qiuthe Three Works of Political Peacethe thought of great harmonyworld wide governmentWenzhou
刊名 清華學報  
期數 200612 (36:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 北宋初年的北方文士與豪俠--以柳閥的事功及作風形象為中心
該期刊-下一篇 人性善惡與天人分合--孟、荀心性論說之型態及其意義




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