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“Close your eyes and listen to it, what would you think it was”: The Uncanny and the Mechanical in All That Fall and Embers
作者 Tzu-Ching Yeh (Tzu-Ching Yeh)
This paper aims at examining the aural dimension in Samuel Beckett’s radio dramas: All That Fall and Embers. The study is divided into two major sections: the study of the “uncanniness” in Beckett’s radio dramas, and the mechanical voice. In the first section, I focus on Freud’s uncanny in light of radio techniques in the dramas. I will discuss alienation as the major feature to see how Beckett toys with the limitation of reality with respect to radio technology. I will also seek to explore how repetition emitting from the radio dramas complies with the uncanny in the engagement of radio techniques. In section two, I will first uncover the cause of the uncanny of alienation and repetition as the result of traumatic experience. In this way, there is urgency for dominance from instances of uncontrollable events. Hence, I will foreground the mechanical control as Beckett’s intention to use the radio. However, the impulse to pursue a sense of control is meant to falter in Beckett’s radio dramas. Thus, I will strive to determine the significance of the struggle for a sense of control since it is destined to be lost. The purpose of the study is to explore how Beckett’s experiment with radio opens up possibilities and potential of sounds and voices in presentation. The aim to deliver the mechanical control springs from the uncanny repression.
起訖頁 149-177
關鍵詞 廣播廣播劇詭異機械聲音重複壓抑radioradio dramauncannymechanicalvoicerepetitionrepression
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200812 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 愛倫之女的快照:米莉•布盧姆與攝影
該期刊-下一篇 「願我們永遠記得」:齊瑪曼達•恩蔻茲•阿蒂雀《半個黃太陽》中的記憶與國家




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