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The Snapshots of the Daughter of Erin: Milly Bloom and Photography
作者 Hsing-chun Chou (Hsing-chun Chou)
從攝影藝術發展之初,女性便積極參與其中,對其成型貢獻良多,但直到近年女性的參與才逐漸受到重視與討論。《尤利西斯》中少受青睞的次要角色米莉• 布盧姆可被視為此類長久以來備受忽略的準女攝影師。本文擬從攝影史概述著 手,審視女性在其中的地位,探究攝影在喬伊斯文本中的呈現以及米莉與攝影的 關係,藉以探討米莉作為「影像化」國族之女攝影師的潛力。藉由其攝影機,米 莉不僅具備足以創造與保存愛爾蘭影像之能力,同時也擁有得以更新並且再造這 些影像之潛能,為自己本身、攝影藝術以及愛爾蘭形象開創無限可能--儘管前 方的道路必然佈滿挑戰與險阻。
Women have been active participants in photography ever since the medium’s early development, and have contributed to the shaping of the field for long, but not until recently did they receive proper consideration. Milly Bloom, a marginalized character receiving little critical attention in Ulysses, might be regarded as such an ignored woman photographerto- be. Beginning with a historical survey of photography, particularly women’s roles in it, this paper attempts to re-examine Joyce’s incorporation of photography and Milly’s involvement in it, so as to justify Milly’s role as a prospective female photographer engaged in imaging the nation. With her camera, Milly is not only equipped with the power to produce and preserve images of Ireland, but also endowed with the potential to renew and re-create them, constructing possibilities for herself, for the photographic art, and for her homeland—though the path ahead is inevitably paved with challenges and obstacles.
起訖頁 131-148
關鍵詞 米莉•布盧姆攝影《尤利西斯》喬伊斯愛爾蘭Milly BloomPhotographyUlyssesJames JoyceIreland
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200812 (20期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 回返光的世界:論梅爾維爾與梅洛龐蒂之觸覺主體
該期刊-下一篇 『閉上眼,仔細聽;聽到什麼了?』《落下》及《餘燼》劇中之詭異理論與機械化




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