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The Friar’s Tale and Divine Justice: The Reality and the Fiction of Righteous Anger
作者 John Lance Griffith (John Lance Griffith)
Set within the context of the Canterbury pilgrimage and the pilgrim fellowship, the Friar’s tale and its aftermath provide us with a model of how, in Chaucer’s narratives, the logic of hell and divine anger work—or largely fail to work—when applied in the human world. More so than for Dante, identifying the line between serving divine justice and serving vengeful self-interest is problematic for Chaucer. This is a problem that, I argue, we find Chaucer revisiting in the Friar’s tale. Subtly commenting on Dante’s treatment of anger in the Inferno, Chaucer intentionally blurs the line between narratives of human wish-fulfillment, narratives of divine justice, and narratives of ideal patience in order to challenge the Thomist concept of just anger and expose the way in which the human passions of individuals like the Friar (and Dante) become entangled in their narratives of abstract ideals such as rational anger and divine justice. We are reminded that Chaucer’s interest in the problems generated by narratives of hell, justice, and divine anger stems not solely from some abstract interest in narratology or poetics or theology, but from an ethical interest in the impact anger has on the individual and on social relations. Chaucer’s ambivalence underscores for us the anxiety in late medieval philosophy and theology raised by that quality of human anger which made it at once attractive and repulsive, and which would make it a principle subject for the writers of the emerging Renaissance: an age to which Chaucer’s writings serve as a bridge from the late medieval world.
起訖頁 37-59
關鍵詞 喬叟坎特貝里故事化緣修士的故事模範敘事憤怒激情史ChaucerCanterbury TalesFriar’s Taleexemplary narrativeangerhistory of the passions
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200712 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「時尚潮流的專橫」:談法蘭西絲柏尼《西希莉亞》中奢華鋪張的消費行徑
該期刊-下一篇 與歷史創傷相遇:試論《達樂薇夫人》一書中的戰爭與記憶政治




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