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“The Despotism of Fashion”: Conspicuous Consumption in Frances Burney’s Cecilia
作者 Li-ching Chen (Li-ching Chen)
Eighteenth-century England, as Neil McKendrick claims in The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England (1985), witnessed “the consumer revolution” and was well known for its variegated and newly invented consumption practices. In fact, in England the expansion of trade and industrial revolution gave a boost to the national coffers and brought tremendous changes to the lives of eighteenth-century English people. Exotic commodities and novelties of the latest fashion were imported from countries worldwide while numerous consumer goods were produced domestically. Together with the speedily expanding network of factories and shops, the Georgians, both high and low, were allowed an unprecedented privilege to yearn for, and to purchase, not only necessities, but also decencies and even luxuries, which spurred on their acquisitiveness and led to emulative spending and conspicuous consumption. This paper first looks into the subtle interplay between fashion and conspicuous consumption in eighteenth-century England and points out the controversy aroused over these two subjects during the period. It aims to examine how Frances Burney (1752-1840) addresses the issue of conspicuous consumption, a London fashion of her time, in her second novel, Cecilia (1782). It also explores how Burney presents the duplicity of fashionable life by pointing out the analogy she draws between the world of fashion and the masquerade, and further investigates the extent to which this celebrated eighteenth-century novelist considers that fashion may affect one’s manner and behavior. Finally, it shows how Burney challenges the central role self-sacrifice plays in the advice offered to women in Georgian conduct books on charity, and examines her ideal of human felicity.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 法蘭西絲柏尼《西希莉亞》時尚奢華鋪張的消費行徑社交時尚界化裝舞會慈善行為節約自主利己Frances BurneyCeciliafashionconspicuous consumptionthe world of fashionmasqueradecharityeconomyautonomyself-love
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200712 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 The Friar’s Tale and Divine Justice: The Reality and the Fiction of Righteous Anger




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