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Conspiracy and Paranoid-Cynical Subjectivity in the Society of Enjoyment: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Ideology
作者 Han-yu Huang (Han-yu Huang)
This essay offers a critical study of contemporary culture of conspiracy. The whole essay starts with Freud’s clinical, theoretical assessment and Lacan’s later reconceptualization of Schreber’s case of paranoia in order to examine the relevance or irrelevance of the category “paranoia” to contemporary cultural, political analyses, and how its analytical value of properly psychoanalytic origin has been distorted, undermined or redefined. Then, paranoid-cynical subjectivity is analyzed in light of Žižek’s theory of ideological fantasy, which highlights how ideology grips the subject through the structuration of enjoyment and the split of belief and actions. Accordingly, whether paranoid cynicism transgresses or supports the dominant power system and status quo is brought into discussion. The final section of this essay, through interpreting films like The Truman Show and Fight Club, relates conspiracy and paranoid-cynical subjectivity to contemporary society of enjoyment and examines the difficulty, if not impossibility, of desiring, free choice and ethico-political agency under the impact of the pervasive superegoic commands to transgress and enjoy.
起訖頁 159-198
關鍵詞 陰謀論犬儒主義快感幻想《鬥陣俱樂部》意識形態偏執症史瑞伯《楚門的世界》conspiracycynicismenjoymentfantasyFight ClubideologyparanoiaSchreberThe Truman Show
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200706 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 全球化日常庸腐時代裡的再返魅:蔡明亮的《洞》及《你那邊幾點》裡的異化心理、欲望與對資本主義時間的批判




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