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Re-enchanting the Everyday Banal in the Age of Globalization: Alienation, Desire, and Critique of Capitalist Temporality in Tsai Ming-Liang’s The Hole and What Time Is It There?
作者 Jen-yi Hsu (Jen-yi Hsu)
The focus of this paper is to examine Tsai Ming-Liang’s cinematic creation of different kinds of time/space that challenges the capitalist model of time-space compression and global homogenization. By analyzing The Hole and What Time Is It There, I aim to show that Tsai is concerned with amplifying the presence of the “now” and making the present “habitable” by re-imagining what counts as past and future, here and there. Recalling Michel de Certeau’s discussion of the everyday, we see that the everyday is not simply an unproblematic and self-evident grounding for experience; instead, it is haunted by implicit “others.” This entails seeing the subject of everyday life as a volatile becoming, the subject who is not self-present. This paper argues that Tsai Ming-Liang still looks for myth in today’s disequilibrium, that his alternative cinematic narrative gestures toward an impulse to “re-enchant” the everyday banal in the age of globalization. By redistributing the existing space or by inserting a certain play (which usually entails temporality) into the order of the everyday, Tsai, particularly in The Hole and What Time Is It There, creates a space for maneuvers and for utopian points of reference.
起訖頁 133-157
關鍵詞 蔡明亮全球化時間空間《洞》《你那邊幾點》Tsai Ming-LiangglobalizationspacetimeThe HoleWhat Time Is It There?
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 200706 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 亞瑟.墨菲對儒家與女性的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 快感社會中的陰謀論與偏執/犬儒主體性:精神分析意識形態批判




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