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性別、自我效能、工作價值、科學素養及學校層次因素對臺灣青少年學習情緒之影響:個人與情境交互作用之多層次分析   全文下載 全文下載
The Impact of Gender, Self-Efficacy, Task Value, Scientific Literacy, and School-Level Factors on Taiwanese Teenagers' Academic Emotions: A Multilevel Analysis of Person-Context Interactions
作者 巫博瀚賴英娟
本研究以學習情緒的控制價值理論為基礎,探討個人與學校層次變項對學習情緒之影響。研究資料係取自PISA 2006所釋出之階層巢套資料,有效樣本為8,678 名(女生4,134 名、男生4,544 名)來自236 個不同學校的臺灣15 歲青少年。本研究採多層次模型進行分析,結果顯示個人層次變項(性別、自我效能、工作價值及科學素養)與學校層次變項(學校平均科學素養、學校平均工作價值、團體效能)能正向且顯著地解釋學生的正向學習情緒,且自我效能對學習情緒的影響會受到學校平均科學素養與團體效能等脈絡變項所調節。針對上述研究發現,本研究提出未來研究與學習輔導之相關建議。
Based on control-value theory of achievement emotions, this study investigates the effects of individual- and school-level factors on academic emotions. Hierarchically nested data were obtained from 8,678 15-year-old students (4,134 girls and 4,544 boys) of 236 schools in Taiwan, who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The results obtained from a multilevel model reveal that individual-level factors (gender, self-efficacy, task value, and scientific literacy) and school-level factors (school mean of scientific literacy, school mean of task value, and collective efficacy) are positively and significantly related to the positive academic emotions of students. Additionally, the school mean of scientific literacy and collective efficacy moderate the effects of self-efficacy on academic emotions. This study presents a discussion on the implications and educational practices, and provides suggestions for future research.
起訖頁 119-149
關鍵詞 PISA 國際評量計畫多層次模型跨層次交互作用效果聚合脈絡變數學習情緒PISAmultilevel modelscross-level interaction effectaggregate context variablesachievement/academic emotion
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 201109 (56:3期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
DOI 10.3966/2073753X2011095603005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 摘要策略教學對提升國小五年級學童摘要能力與閱讀理解的成效
該期刊-下一篇 探討臺灣學生的自律學習:TEPS 資料的縱貫性分析




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