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A study on Students’Attitudes and Evaluations toward Curriculum of Disease Classification and Their Working Intentions in Department of Hospital and Health Care Administration in Taiwan
作者 黃慧娜林為森洪錦墩
Diseases coding plays a very important role in the National Health Insurance(NHI)program. The accuracy and completeness of coding can affect implementation of DRGs and medical revenues of hospitals. The training program of ICD-9-CM coding is arranged at departments of hospital and health care administration in our education system. Purposes of this study are to understand students’ attitudes and evaluations of curriculum, the difficulties on learning and motivation of attending exam. Questionnaires were conducted to exam students’ assessment of learning. Contents of questionnaires included arrangement of curriculum, satisfaction of learning attitudes toward teaching methods and influences of curriculum on classmates, and work intentions. 911 questionnaires were distributed and 780 effective cases returned. Results of this study show 7 positive items on the assessment of teachers, interactions between teachers and students, importances of curriculum and satisfaction with assessment. The negative item is difficulty of teaching materials. Students of night schools have better attitude toward teaching methods, classmates’ influence and curriculum than those in day schools. But attitude toward assessment of teaching materials is worse for students in night schools. Of all samples, 95.6% students recognizes that ICD-9-CM is difficult, reasons are poor knowledge of anatomy and physiology, complex of coding rules, and insufficient class hours. 20.4% students will attend national examination of disease classification, because it is only one certification in this field. But one-third of students in night schools didn’t know the in-formation about exam. 68.5% students showed working willness after they pass the examination. Suggestions of this study are anatomy and physiology and professional terminologies should be emphasized. Arrangement fo curriculum should be different between day and night class. A team discussion can be used to improve interactions and learning interest in class.
起訖頁 34-46
關鍵詞 疾病分類課程評價工作意願classification of diseaseevaluation of curriculumworking intention
刊名 醫院  
期數 200006 (33:3期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 半開放制度策略在醫院試行之探討(一)
該期刊-下一篇 全面醫療品質系統的建立一個醫學中心以ISO9002建立全面品質管理醫療系統的經驗




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